You say you have an exquisite product to sell and a perfct business plan for your online store but still cannot decide on the name to give your business website. What we suggest is for you to apply the principles of numer
ology. Although the best way to use it is with the guidance of a numerologist as it also has something to do with recognizing the astral patterns.
Still, numerologists explain to their clients that numerology is about using numbers that attract a great deal of luck. Numbers are luck magnets only in relation to readings of the so-called expression or destiny number. If a number proves to work as a lucky charm for a business, it’s unlikely that it can be used as a lucky charm for gambling purposes.
What Exactly is an Expression Number and How Is It Used?
In numerology, the first thing to determine is the single-digit number that will be your goal when creating a name for your online or offline store. The expression number is established based on the name of the business owner. Through numerology, the natural strength and potential of the person can reveal his or her destiny because it implies what that person is destined to do in order to fulfill his or her aspirations in life.
Applying Numerology in Naming an ECommerce Store
While certain numbers come in two or more digits, the first thing that a numerologist determines is the single number known as the expression number of the subject. The belief is that each number represents energy that will resonate in everything that a person does. The energy will vibrate and attract astral forces that fall into lucky patterns.
Let’s say your name is Barbie Coleo and you want to sell beauty shop supplies and tools online. To come up with an ecommerce business name, calculate your expression number.
Here, we use the Pythagorean Card, which assigns the numbers 1 to 9 to the letters of the alphabet.
B (2) + A (1) + R (9) + B (2) + I (9) + E (5)= 28
C (3) + O (6) + L (3) + O (6) = 18
Barbie (28) + Coleo(18) = 46
4 + 6 = 10
1+ 0 = 1
One is a good expression number because it denotes a highly independent and competitive character. Any number 1 that significantly impacts your online business can have great bearing. It implies an astral pattern that is always brimming with new ideas that can be used positively in achieving business goals.
In which case, your very personality can push your business into becoming the pioneer, or front-runner, the topnotcher, the top ranking or the top of the line.
However, you have to have the help and guidance of a numerologist in applying your personality or expression number 1 to create a business website name and other business aspects.
How Do Angel Numbers Impact a Destiny Number
There are other numbers to take notice of in numerology, such as the 808 Angel Number. An Angel Number serves as indicator of the number vibrations coming repeatedly to a person’s way.
The Angel Number 8 that appears twice whilst combined with the number zero, represents leadership, authority, abundance and financial success. If your expression number is 1 and the number 808 frequently occurs or appears in your business transactions (August 08, Invoice No. 808 or PO Box No. 808), there’s a likely possibility for you to reap the financial rewards of your business undertaking.