USC’s Information Sciences Institute (ISI) was just being formed in 1972. And researchers across the nation were trying to connect computer systems from various organizations. The said action form what would ultimately become “the Internet”. Moreover, it puts ISI researchers in an ideal position to dive right through into the crazy modern paradigm of computer networks.
With that, they came up with giving the netizens different applications and internet software. These internet of behavior technology are highly beneficial for the users.
List of Various Internet Software and Applications
💻 Alexa, Siri, Virtual Agents, and Other Assistants
Alexa has to be able to interpret your phrases in order to provide you with daily weather predictions. This seems to be the natural language processing (NLP) in work. In 1988, William Mann, an ISI artificially intelligent scientist, made a significant contribution to NLP research. Further, he developed the Rhetorical Structure Theory, which describes what renders published words logically.
💻Virtual World (VR)
Certain technologies look like science fiction. While others produce science fiction. Moreover, ISI set up the USC Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT) in 1999. It was a leader in VR and other immersion technology for army and civilian use. ICT’s efforts can be seen on the big screen ten years later. It includes revolutionary 3D special effects,